JUDICIARY Latest Features

PJ Staff Celebrate His Legacy
Hon. Justice Dr Bamwine (M), with his staff at the High Court

On Friday (November 29, 2019) mid-morning, the High Court library turned into a celebration Centre as staff from the Principal Judge's chambers hosted his Lordship to a party ahead of his retirement on December 25, 2019.

The staff who included the Registrar High Court, HW Tom Chemutai, and Judiciary Technical Advisor, Mr Andrew Khaukha, Private Legal Secretary HW Timothy Lumunye and other administrative staff took turns to appreciate the values the PJ has instilled in them.

HW Lumunye thanked the PJ for his exemplary leadership and for the continuous training in court management skills and reforms in improving court performance. He pledged to exhibit the same as a career judicial officer and wished him the best in his retirement.

These sentiments were echoed by Mr Khaukha who praised the PJ for fostering great partnerships with development partners such as Pepperdine University and International Justice Mission. Adding that if it were not for the PJ and the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe, such partnerships would not be there.

He said the PJ was retiring after leaving an indelible not only in the Judiciary but also in the country as a whole.

On his part, the Registrar High Court, HW Chemutai said he has learnt a lot after working under the guidance of the Principal Judge. "You have been my trainer and also provided guidance where I have done wrong. You have made me a better person," he said.

The Principal Judge thanked his staff for the kind gesture and for honoring him. He said he valued each of them and urged them to continue to be dependable,hardworking and diligent.

"In whatever capacity you are serving in Judiciary, you are contributing to access to justice and that should not be taken lightly," the PJ said.

He said he holds his head high because his office has not been sighted as one of the corrupt offices.

On the Visionary Award for his exemplary leadership, Hon. Justice Dr Bamwine said that could only be possible with a committed team. The PJ hopes his replacement will be sworn in on December 10th, 2019.

Posted 29th, November 2019
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